Sunday, March 20, 2016

HW2 week 6 Ch.5 lesson 2: what people add to places

Elementary Social Studies Department
Term 3    GRADE 3
Homework sheet 2 lesson 2 week 6

Name : ____________________    Class: ________________         Date : __________________                                                                                                                 

Part A:
Match the definition

1.       ............Mineral
2.    ............Human Feature
3.    ............Crossroads
4.    ............Mineral

A.   Something people have built, such as a building, bridge, road, farm or mine.
B.    A path between one place and another that makes movement of people and goods possible.
C.   A place where two roads cross
D.   A natural resource such as iron and gold

Part B:
Answer True (T) Or False (F) about the following
1.     _________ Coal dug from mines is used to provide heat and energy
2.     _________ Many communities have started at a crossroads
3.     _________ Bridges are a way to connect one part of a land to another
4.     _________ Tunnels are not considered a human feature
5.     _________ Minerals are artificial resources
6.     _________ Roads, farms, and mines are all examples of Physical features

Part C:
Complete the chart below to categorize the related words     

(Silver, Bridges, Copper, Diamonds, Routes, Crops, Buildings, Cotton, Coal, Crossroads, soil, food)

Words Related to Physical features
Words Related to Mines
Words Related to Farms





Part D:
Critical thinking

1.What factors do you think influence where certain crops will thrive (grow)?


2.Why do people build on and change the land?


3.Why are there human-made features in some areas than in others?


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