Sunday, March 20, 2016

HW2 week 3 - Ch.2 lesson 3: Every Community has a story

Elementary Social Studies Department
Term 3    GRADE 3
Homework sheet 2 lesson 3

Name : ____________________         Class: ________________              Date : ______________________                                                                                                             
Part A:
1. Match the word to its meaning.

1.     …………….. Ancestor

2.  ………………Settlement 

3.  ……………….Founder

4.  ……………….Pioneer

5.  ……………….History

a) The story of what happened in a place
b) A person who helps settle a new land

c) A person who starts something, such as a business or a settlement
d) A small village built by the first people to live in a new place
e) Someone in a person’s family, such as a great-great-grandparent, who lived a long time ago

Part B:
Answer True (T) Or False (F) about the following
1.     _________ The Timucuas used guns to hunt animals.
2.     _________ Lake Dora was named after Dora Ann Drawdy.
3.     _________ Citrus fruits include apples, bananas and apricots.
4.     _________ Settlers were coming to central Florida in search of colder climates.
5.     _________ The word Mount in ‘Mount Dora’ came from the hills in the area.
6.     _________ An Example of ancestor is your sister.

Part C:
Choose the correct answer for the following questions

      1.  The Native Americans who lived in the are around Mount Dora before the settlers were called…………
a)   Pharoahs
b)   Ross Temrin
c)    The Timucuas
d)   Pioneer

2.     The new settlement of Mount Dora was first named…………………
            a) Royellou
            b) Lake Dora
            c) Alexander
            d) The Timucuas

3.     Some of the first businesses in town was started by …………………
            a) The king
            b) Ross Temrin
            c) The Timucuas
            d) None of the above

4.     What carried visitors and helped orange growers ship their fruit to other parts of the country?
            a) Cars
            b) Busses
            c) The Railroad
            d) None of the above

Part D:

1.     How did the railroad help in changing Mount Dora?


2.     What kind of Citrus fruits did David Simpson and the other settlers grow?


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