Sunday, March 20, 2016

HW1 week6 Ch.5 lesson 2: What people add to places

Elementary Social Studies Department
Term 3    GRADE 3
Homework sheet l lesson 2 week 6

Name : ______________________    Class: _________________      Date : ______________________                                                                                                                   

 People     Routes      Goods        Ideas         
            Crossroads    Movement
                                    Royellou                                Ancestors

1.Fill in the blanks from the word bank.

1.    Much of the surface of the Earth is covered with ________________________.
2.    Routes make possible the  ____________________ of _________________ and ___________________.
3.    Crossroads are places where people, goods and ______________ come together and then move on .
4.    Many communities have started at a ________________________.

2. Short Answer question:
What are some of the human features that people have added to Earth? (Write at least 3 examples)


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