Sunday, March 20, 2016

HW2 week 2 - Ch.2 lesson 2: Communities are different sizes

Elementary Social Studies Department
Term 3    GRADE 3
Homework sheet 2  week 2 lesson 2

Name : ______________      Class: ______________  Date : ______________________                                                                                                                   

Part A:
1. Match the word to its meaning:
1.     Rural
2.  President 
3.  Population
4.  Suburb
5.  Capital city
6.  Transportation

________a) The number of people living in a place
________b) A place away from cities and large towns
________c) The moving of people or things from one place to another
________d) A small community that is close to a city
________e) A large city in which government leaders meet and work
________f) A leader of a country

2.    Compare and Contrast: Write at least 2 differences
Suburban Area
Rural Area

Part B:
Write whether these sentences are (true) or (false).
a) George Washington was the second president of America. (        )
b) A suburb is a place away from cities and large towns. (        )

c) Urban areas cover small areas of land. (        )
d) Washington D.C is the capital city of America. (        )

e) Transportation is important for cities and suburbs. (        )

2. Why would a transportation system be important to people in Cities and Suburbs?

3.    Label the picture


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