Sunday, March 20, 2016

Classwork week 4 - Reading a Timeline

Elementary Social Studies Department
Term 3    GRADE 3
Classwork sheet Week 4

Name : ______________________    Class: ______________     Date: ___________________                                                                                                           

Chapter 2 Practice Skills
Read a Timeline

Directions: Answer the questions below using the timeline.

 My Saturday Timeline

               10:00 am        11:00am                 1:30pm                   3:0pm           6:00pm

1.  What is the first thing that happens in the timeline? ____________________________

2.  When is lunch time?________________________

3.  What happens at 3:00pm ? _________________________________

4.  What is the timeline about? ____________________________________

5.  At what time is ‘watch t.v.’ ? ____________________

6. How many hours are shown on the timeline? ______________________

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