Thursday, March 17, 2016

Classwork 1 week 1 - Ch.2 lesson: Where on Earth is your community?

Elementary Social Studies Department
Term 3    GRADE 3
Classwork sheet l lesson 1

Name : ______________________    Class: ____________      Date :______________________                                                                                                                   

The Difference Between Maps and

­ Where are you? Maps and globes can help you answer that question. But maps and globes are different. Maps are flat. Globes are round.

A map is a flat picture of a place. A map is easy to carry. You can fold a map and put it in your pocket.

A globe is a big round ball that shows you the world. You can spin a globe around.

Maps let you see all the places in the world at the same time. Globes give you a better picture of what our round planet looks like from space. Maps and globes help you see the world in different ways!

Directions: For questions 1-4, circle the correct answer.

1.    What is the same about both maps and globes?

a) They can be folded and put in your pocket.
b) They help you see the world.
c) They show you what our planet looks like from space.

2.    This passage compares maps and globes. Which of the two is big and round like a ball?

a) A map
b) A globe
c) Both maps and globes

3.     Round globes are better at showing the shape of a place, but flat maps are better at showing all the places in the world at the same time. Which part of the passage tells us that this is true?

a) “Maps are flat. Globes are round.”
b) “Maps let you see all the places in the world at the same time. Globes give you a              better picture of what our round planet looks like from space.”
c) “Maps and globes help you see the world in different ways.”

4.    What is “The Difference Between Maps and Globes” mainly about?

a) How to use maps and globes to find places on Earth
b) The similarities and differences between maps and globes
c) What the world looks like from space

5.    What do we call a flat picture that is easy to carry and lets you see all the places in the world at the same time?

A flat picture that is easy to carry and lets you see all the places in the world at the same time is


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