Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Homework sheet 5 - Term 4

Elementary Social Studies Department
Term 4   GRADE 3
Homework sheet 5

Name : ______________________    Class: _________________      Date : ______________________                                                                                                                   

Part A:
Match the word to its meaning.
a) The four largest bodies of water on Earth
b) The moving of people from one place to another
c) When a person makes something new that no one else has made before
d) Traveling through air
e) Traveling through water
f) The seven largest lands on Earth

1.     ……… Aviation
2.     ………Invention 
3.     ………Sailing
4.     ………Continents
5.     ………Transportation 
6.     ………Oceans

Part B:
Answer True (T) Or False (F) about the following
1.     _________ Scientists believe that the seven continents were joined together.
2.     _________ The caveman used cars when he wanted to go from one place to another.
3.     _________ Wagons were so big they could go for weeks with enough water and food.
4.     _________ Carts and wagons were pulled by Elephants.
5.     _________ The caveman used tree trunks to travel across rivers.
6.     _________ People stay the same as time goes by.
7.     _________ Modern ships are very slow and carry a small amount of people.
8.     _________The four oceans that we know now formed only one huge ocean called Panthalassa.
Part C:
Choose the correct answer for the following questions

      1.  The first bicycles were invented did not have
a)   Pedals
b)   Wheels
c)    Handles
d)   All of the above

7.      The first cars that were invented looked like…………………
            a) Bicycles
            b) Wagons
            c) Busses
            d) Scooters

8.      Men first flew in the sky in a…………………
            a) Balloon
            b) Helicopter
            c) Plane
            d) None of the above

9.     Arabs built boats called
            a) Rafts
            b) Dhows
            c) Ships
            d) None of the above

Part D:
Critical thinking

What are the two reasons that made scientists believe that the Pangaea existed.



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